The MATE Approach

In order to apply the MATE approach, follow the steps below:


Identify Forms of Hate Speech (Online and Offline)

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Assess and Reassess the Intercultural Skills

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Report Racism through Workshops

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Develop Intercultural Skills through MATEvents

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Produce Awareness Raising Material and Run Campaigns

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Recommend the MATE Platform to Stakeholders

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And use the following project results:

1. European Report: Common Forms of Hate Speech Online (on Social Media) and Offline (in Face-to-Face Communication)

At the beginning of the project, the spread of racist/hate frames and anti-migrant discourses within the universities and VET centres of the consortium both in the face-to-face interactions of students (offline) and when they use the social media (online) as well as both from the point of view of the victim and from that of the offender are studied through focus groups and the implementation of a survey. The results of the research are included and analysed in National Reports, while an Aggregate Report is composed on the results from all the partner countries and useful conclusions are drawn for the next stages of implementation of the project.

Desk Research Template

Interview Guide for Focus Groups

Questionnaire (EN)

Questionnaire (EL)

Questionnaire (DE)

Questionnaire (FR)

Questionnaire (SV)

Questionnaire (ES)

Consolidated European Report

2. Intercultural Skills’ Online Assessment Tool

Following the research part of the project, the intercultural skills of the students who participate in the project activities are assessed before the implementation of the activities, through the use of an online tool in the form of questionnaire on their existing knowledge, skills and attitudes. The intercultural skills of the students are reassessed after their participation in all project activities (MATE workshops and experiential activities in the form of events).

The Intercultural Skills’ Online Assessment Tool serves as both:

      • A needs analysis tool which assesses the level of intercultural competence of the students prior to the MATE activities; and
      • A tool which measures the impact of the MATE activities on the students after their implementation.

Intercultural Skills’ Online Assessment Tool

3. “Report Racism” Curriculum, Training Material and Methodological Guide

After having identified the different forms of hate speech and anti-migrant discourses in the partner countries as well as the level of intercultural skills of the students participating in the project, a Curriculum and Training Material as well as an accompanying Methodological Guide are developed. The produced material is used in the “Report Racism” Workshops in order to raise awareness among the local students of the issues related to hate speech, while the objective of the Methodological Guide is to support the trainers in implementing the workshops. Five modules are developed in total, namely:

1. Hate Speech;
2. Hate Speech vs Freedom of Speech;
3. Understanding the Legal Framework of Hate Speech and Reporting Hate Speech;
4. Media Literacy; and
5. Intercultural Communication;

which are being used for the implementation of five different workshops in each partner country.

Training Materials

1. Hate Speech

Hate Speech– EN

Hassrede – DE

Discours de Ηaine – FR

Discurso de Odio – ES

Hatprat – SV

Ρητορική Μίσους – EL

2. Free Speech vs Hate Speech 

Free Speech vs Hate Speech – EN

Hassrede vs. Redefreiheit – DE

Discours de Haine vs Liberté d’Expression – FR

Libertad de Expresión versus Discurso de Odio – ES

Hatprat kontra Yttrandefrihet – SV

Ρητορική Μίσους vs Ελευθερία Λόγου – EL

3. Understanding the Legal Framework of Hate Speech and Reporting Hate Speech

Understanding the Legal Framework of Hate Speech and Reporting Hate Speech – EN

Den Rechtlichen Rahmen der Hassrede und die Berichterstattung über Hassreden Verstehen – DE

Comprendre le Cadre Légal du Discours de Haine et Savoir le Dénoncer – FR

Comprender el Marco Legal del Discurso de Odio y Denunciar el Discurso de Odio – ES

Förstå det Rättsliga Ramverket för Hatprat och Rapportera Hatprat – SV

Ρητορική Μίσους και Νομικό Πλαίσιο – EL

4. Media Literacy

Media Literacy – EN

Medienkompetenz – DE

Appréciation de la Qualité de l’Information – FR

Alfabetización Mediática – ES

Mediekunskap – SV

Γραμματισμός στα Μέσα Επικοινωνίας – EL

5. Intercultural Communication

Intercultural Communication – EN

Interkulturelle Kommunikation – DE

Communication Interculturelle – FR

Comunicación Intercultural – ES

Interkulturell Kommunikation – SV

Διαπολιτισμική Επικοινωνία – EL

Methodological Guide

Methodological Guide – EN

Methodologischer Leitfaden – DE

Méthodologique Guide – FR

Metodológica Guía – ES

Metodologisk Guide – SV

Μεθοδολογικός Οδηγός – EL

4. Methodological Guide for the MATE Facilitators

In order to bring together the local and foreign/migrant students to get to know each other and interact, a Methodological Guide for the organisation of intercultural, experiential events, the MATEvents, is developed, including activities on the concept of human universals or commonalities. These events are being facilitated by students with the participation of other students from both local and foreign/migrant backgrounds through a “peer-to-peer” approach, with the aim to promote the shared cultural and social elements of the interacting cultures (concepts, perceptions, values, objects etc.) through the implementation of experiential activities and the mingling of students. The Guide includes both the developed activities and instructions for the facilitators.

The impact of the MATEvents can be summarised as follows:

      • Mingling of local and foreign/migrant students and other young individuals;
      • Acknowledgement of the similarities between local and foreign cultures and respect for diversity; and
      • Trust between local and foreign/migrant students.

Methodological Guide for MATE Facilitators

5. Guide for Producing Awareness Raising Campaigns

On the conclusion of both the training workshops and the intercultural, experiential events of the project, the local and foreign/migrant students design and produce awareness raising material on topics related to the project, such as short spots and posters, in order to implement low-budget campaigns in their countries against racism, xenophobia and discrimination as well as for promoting diversity and bringing out the human commonalities. For conducting the awareness raising campaigns, the students participate in workshops for which the partners develop Training Material and a Guide to prepare the participants to produce the material and equip them with all the necessary tools. 

Guidebook on Effective Campaigning

6. MATE Platform

All the material developed throughout the project (reports, curricula, training material and guides) is being uploaded to the MATE Platform, so as to be accessible to any interested organisation or individual as well as to serve as a guide to stakeholders across the EU on how to apply the project activities to similar contexts.

More specifically, the platform includes the following project results in downloadable form: a) European Report on Common Forms of Hate Speech Online (on Social Media) and Offline (in Face-to-Face Communication), b) “Report Racism” Methodological Guide (including all the developed Curricula and Training Material for the “Report Racism” Workshops), c) “Report Racism” Curricula and Training Material, d) Methodological Guide for the MATE Facilitators (including all the developed experiential activities for the MATEvents), e) Training Material on Campaigning Strategies and on Producing Audio-Visual Material and f) Guide for Producing Awareness Raising Campaigns.

The platform is also linked to the Intercultural Skills’ Online Assessment Tool and to the project website, where the afore-mentioned material can be found too, as well as all the dissemination material of the project along with the short spots which have been developed for the awareness raising campaigns.

Installation and Replication Manual